Worm Care - Tips & Tricks

Setting Up the Crib:

Prepare a comfortable habitat for your soon-to-be worm residents. Use a bedding of moist, shredded paper or cardboard, add a bit of grit like coffee grounds or crushed eggshells, and introduce soft fruit and vegetable scraps. Keep it modest; the worms don't need a feast initially. Consider laying down some soaked paper with pureed scraps for a gentle start. Maintain a warm and moist environment—aim for 80-85% humidity and a temperature range of 70-75°F.

Safe temperature zones are between 55-90°F, but the prime spot is right around 70-75°F

The Birds and The Bees (Worm Edition):

Your worms will mature around day 51-60 and they will begin breeding after that. It might start slow, but after 3-4 weeks, you should spot your first cocoons. Be patient; the timing can vary.

Parenting 101 - Egg Edition:

Once the romance concludes, and cocoons appear, decide whether to expand your worm population or start a collection. Aim for approximately 1lb of worms per square foot of bin space.

Growing Pains:

As your young worms mature, ensure a balanced diet. Whether you choose our Worm Chow or opt for kitchen scraps, include veggies, fruits, and a sprinkle of coffee grounds for added grit.

Harvest Time:

When your worms are mature and the bin seems to be mostly castings, gently harvest the vermicast (worm compost) to celebrate your successful worm-rearing efforts.

Not Sure What's Safe To Feed?

We've made a chart, below, to help you figure out what's ok to put in your bin(s) and what you should NEVER put in your bin(s). Check it out. You can even save it and share it with others if you want. We're here to help and only want the best for your worms!

Need More Help?

We would be more than happy to help clear up any of our tips or give you guidance with your worm bin(s). Feel free to use our contact page to ask your questions or anything else you might want to talk about.