Our Friends

Check out our friends, below! Everyone on this page is someone we have learned from, gotten love from, or we have enjoyed one or more of their products. Expect more to be added overtime.

[Please Note: While we might list companies here, we have no partnership with any of them. We're just fans. If we do have a partnership with someone, we will make that clear.]

  • WormGear

    WormGear (formerly known as Michigan Soilworks) is a well known brand in the business of Vermiculture. They create some of the best, industry leading, technology there is for EVERYONE to use. From the Turbo Sift to their 4x40 ft, motorized CFT bins they create a great, durable product to help make worm farming not only easier, but more ergonomic and efficient.

    “The company’s mission is simple: to help vermicompost operators grow their business by providing equipment that reduces labor and contributes to sustainability.”

  • Worm People

    Worm People is an AMAZING community of just that. Worm People. Here to help ANYONE that is a Worm Person themselves...

    "Whether you're a hobbyist just wanting to make castings for your garden or you're looking to make some money with a worm business, you're in the right place to learn and connect with like-minded people."

    Worm People 
  • WormFarmingRevealed

    WFR is a WONDERFUL resource for anything worm related. From great information on common issues to a list of worm vendors in your state! Find books, clothing, answers to your worm questions and more all in one place!

    "We can recycle our food without polluting landfills. We can feed it to worms and create the best nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ratio nature intended without the fear of burning our plants.

    We can enjoy fresher and tastier food produced by the sweat of our brow without the fear of harmful chemicals. All this and more can be achieved if we could simply pass it on."

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